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In The Mining Industry

To discharge Rail Hoppers up to 50 Tons (this has been done successfully with our VAB 6000) Several hundreds of these Pneumatic Vibrators have been installed on Rail Hoppers in various South Africa Gold and Platinum mines.

In The Building & Cival Engineering Industry

Pneumatic Poker Vibrators are used when mass concrete is poured thereby forcing air out of the concrete and also helping the concrete to settle more evenly.

External Turbo Vibrators are used on shuttering (concrete walls, tunnels etc.)

In The Precast Concrete Industry

Our range of External Pneumatic Turbo Vibrators were specifically designed for use in the Precast Concrete Industry. These are High Frequency Vibrators which can be moved easily from one job to another when using the Quick Release Brackets which were specifically designed for them.

In The Food Processing Industry

Our range of Pneumatic Ball Vibrators is ideal for helping to prevent clogging or bridging of materials such as baking powders, flavouring powders, milk powders, etc. in Hoppers. These vibrators can also be used to compact the same materials in plastic bags, bottles or other containers.

In The Foundry Industry

For compacting Foundry Sand, but for also breaking up the sand.

In The Chemical Industry

To help with the flow of materials in big and small Hoppers, Pipes, Bins, Chutes, etc.

Other unusual places where used

  • Toothpaste Tube making machines (to prevent the caps of the tubes from getting stuck)
  • Amunition making machines (to help compact explosive powders into the amunition)
  • Cosmetic packing machines (to help with the filling of makeup powders inside bottles)
  • Ceramic Tile Makers (to give the tiles a perfect finish by getting rid of air bubbles) 

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